
Monday, May 27, 2013

5 Ways to get Involved - Happy Memorial Day


Picnics, Parties, and FUN, FUN, FUN!!! This is how America celebrates Memorial Day. Yes, it is the first real holiday to kick-off the summer and families get together and enjoy the time together. Living in Minnesota and I am sure in other states also, this is the weekend that many people head up north to open their cabins and get them ready for summer too. Have an awesome day with your families and friends and let them know you love them

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, we can't forget about all the sales that go on this weekend. 20% off here, 40% off there. If you are a shopper this should be a good time to get some great deals. I know they are filling up my inbox like there is no tomorrow. 

But let us not forget the Veterans and Soldiers who have served us in this great country. We are so lucky to live in a FREE Country. Today is the day to honor those who gave us that right to freedom in one way or another. 

I was looking online last night to find ways to honor and support our GREAT MILITARY and the soldiers who gave their lives for this country.

As a craft group I wanted to list a few of the ways we can help our military and their amazing families that stand by them day after day.

Here are 5 Ways we can get involved

This information came from the site: -  Receive care packages for an entire unit - Email pen pals - Receive cards and letters - Care packages - Care packages

Here is some information on supporting a military family. Those that bravely stand by their Soldiers - Wide variety of homefront support -  Christian fellowship

I was raised in Jacksonville Florida and lived near two military bases there. So I have been around the military for most of my life and it does hold a special place in my heart.

If you want to reach out and get involved there are many sites online to do that. This just happens to be the one that caught my eye and gave me a place to reach out. If there is another way that you get involved that is awesome and I would love to hear about it. Your comments are important to me.

With today being an OFFICIAL HOLIDAY I have been using it to craft and contact organizations that would love to have cards and letters sent to them. If this is something you all want to do as a group let me know. I am sure they would be so blessed. It has been a very busy day and I hope it has been for you all too.

BREAKING NEWS: I heard this on TV only seconds ago:

According to our President: "This day next year will mark the final Memorial Day with our troops in Afghanistan."  That was the greatest thing I have heard today!!!

I got this wonderful version of Uncle Sam off the Internet and was hoping it would help us remember just what they have given their life for

What have you done today to honor our Soldiers and Veterans? I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear from you and what you have been up to today.


On another note: I am so excited about the Blog Hop that is in the works for June. Just a little peak into what I have planned: I have my designer friends working on Patriotic Items to kick off the Summer and the 4th of July when we again celebrate our Great Country. STAY TUNED.

I would Love to hear from you all and if you have friends encourage them to also follow my blog. It is small now as it is in the beginning stages. But I do have BIG IDEAS!!! I want my true blue followers to be appreciated and awarded for your loyalty

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